Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Dudes Got Ideas

Isaac is obsessed with these Army guys and plays with them inside everywhere and outside in the dirt and in the neighbors sand box. They were purchased at the dollar store with some money he had earned and so he left the store with a giant bag of Army dudes, complete with tanks and all. He had an idea in the middle of eating his breakfast and I forgot what he was doing so I went off to get ready for the day and this is what he came up with. I'm sure Sabrina helped with the cute, decorative part but the idea itself was all Isaac. He collected empty shells from shooting sometime with C.C. and he bought this gun, again at the dollar store, that broke within the first 24 hours of buying it. So again he was thinking about something cool and figured out that the gun would actually launch the empty shells. What else would a little boy want, dudes, bullets, and a gun. Hours of entertainment and a cash flow, there is actually a slot to put your 5 cents. Cute little man!

1 comment:

Melinda said...

So creative. Ethan would love to pay and play. We love Isaac!