Monday, January 3, 2011


C.C. has been working on his homemade bread skills, these are a few of his finest creations and they are tasty too.
Hmmmm, yummy.
I took this one for McKayla since her life is only fantastic if milk exists.
We headed to Ogden one Saturday to see some old friends. No one would take part in my picture taking except these two. Darian was under 2 when we first met her in California. It was fun to go catch up with the Ybarras.
When we can't find Linkin he can sometimes be found here, hiding under Travis' desk. He gave himself away this time though.
I was headed to Salt Lake and stuck in traffic because of a terrible accident but there was this very unique truck that kept me occupied. He must have been a helicopter pilot or something but it was like this torpedo set up on top of his truck. Very strange but interesting.
This is what the box of chocolates look like at our house. A bite taken out of every one so you know what you're eating. It's suppossed to be helpful, get it?

1 comment:

Jill said...

welcome back to the blogging world! glad you like your new job and I liked looking at all your pics. I can't believe that's Darian Ybarra! time flies.