Monday, January 3, 2011

Work Christmas Party

Travis wanted to fly into Oakland so if he needed to change his flight plans for work it would be no charge, Southwest. Since it had been awhile since we spent any quality time together I planned a few extra days in San Francisco. I was so prepared that I charged my battery for my camera and left it in the charger in the plug at home. Not a huge fan, pretty ticked to be honest.
We saw a lot of this which always very entertaining. Some of these guys are actually good but others are just making noise and having a good time.
We made a trip to this store. Travis really wanted to see me walk out of there with a purse but I am so picky about my purses anyway, it was hard to find one that I really couldn't live without for $500. Cough cough.
We spent a few hours on saturday at work so that Travis could get some things done that he can't at home, I chatted and got some reading in.
Then we headed to Target for our white elephant gifts (his and hers Shake Weights) and then to this place. What a fantastic dinner! Sooooo good, I wished that I could have had another filet and a gallon of the sauce that they served with it. Can you tell I am still thinking about it? It was a really nice Christmas party and I am always grateful that his boss includes me.
We were lucky enough to stay with the Macias' in San Jose and get to check out Jessica's cute little baby belly and visit with Mike, Vicky, and Adam. They are so much fun, love those guys. It's never long enough of course and we didn't have any time to see anyone else. Then we headed back on the yucky plane back to home sweet home. It was a very relaxing and fun weekend with my man, can't wait until next year so we can do it again.

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