Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Nick

Nick and Heather planned a birthday party for Nick, Safari style. Grandma Chapman sent him these animals in honor of the party.
Ashley had her gift in this cool "Fergie" box, very custom.
They asked us to dress up. Hmmmm, I thought I would get a lot of grumbling from everyone but they were all pretty stoked and wanted to find something cool to wear. We spend some time looking around and came up with the hats for all 6 of us. Then the kids went to town with the rest of the outfit. C.C. helped Isaac with his sweet outfit and Nick got his at DI.
Nick was totally into the costume part.
I mean REALLY into it.
Isaac was taking the short shorts to a whole new level.
Sab spent some quality time on her accessories.
C.C. actually lead the family with his outfit. We all followed suit because his was awesome.
My safari kids.
Could this be a sweeter picture? Nash and Jason, that little man is so cute, still can't believe Jason is a DAD!!!!
The birthday boy and his much loved ice cream cake made by Heather.
We continued the party weekend when they came over on sunday for dinner, confetti cupcakes.
McKayla finally got to hold Nash but couldn't run so fast with a baby in her arms. Don't get too comfy girl, about 6 more years.
I think they were just looking through Travis' phone at his pictures, must have been a good one.

All in all it was a great birthday weekend and we are all so glad that we have Nick to celebrate. Can't believe how fast 24 years went. Hold on to your babies guys, they will be grown up before you know it.

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