Wednesday, January 12, 2011

This and That

C.C. started his Automotive Classes last week and he had a bunch of tools to gather. After a few trips to Sears, Home Depot, and Lowe's, he came up with the final call of what he wanted to do with it all and how he wanted to organize it. So after many countless hours with a old exercise mat and an exacto knife, he has the most beautifully organized toolbox in town.
C.C. is always talking about protein shakes and lifting weights which in turn Isaac wants the same thing. So my last trip to Costco I found these and told him that they were for just him and that these will be his protein shakes. He was beyond thrilled and has been very diligent about drinking one every day. Plus the kid breaks WAY to easily so maybe this may help.
Basically Linkin has depleted the girls' sock selection. They take them off out by the TV and then forget which in turn makes them fair game for Linkin when he gets bored. One day for Poop Pick Up McKayla found 5 socks in the backyard, mixed with the poop. Gross I know. So we had a big talk with everyone and explained how bad it is for him to eat socks and that we needed to keep them out of reach of dogs. We had all done really well until the other morning when I came out to this. C.C. had made someone breakfast. So thoughtful you might think but actually it was a sock that Linkin had barfed up and he wanted to make sure someone else could enjoy the same. Gross but creative.
Sabrina had the "Flour Baby" for her Teen Living class and she went all out. She uses the clothes from Build a Bear and at first she had a picture of Chucky taped to the front. She figured she would get in trouble so she went searching for a picture of a cute baby. She ended up with Nash, Jason and McKell's baby, because he is the cutest baby ever.

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