Sunday, January 2, 2011

Thanksgiving In Boise

The weiners getting their beauty rest in the car.
C.C. made himself comfortable...on Isaac.
Enjoying a relaxing day with Diane and Jake.
Dustin and his PERFECT turkey. It seriously looked fake.
The gang minus Zack, C.C., and Dustin.
He just can't seem to get enough sleep.
Isaac playing with Jake, he loves to make Jake bay.
Vinny wanted to make sure McKayla didn't forget him.
Thanks Ryan, Diane, Dustin, and Zack for letting us all come and invade your house. We loved every minute of it.

Linkin went to Doggy Daycare which was hilarious but he had a great time and it was great for him to be around other dogs like that.

FeeBee went to Jason and McKell's where she and Nash were quite interested in each other.

I was very thankful to have spent Thanksgiving with my family, minus Nick and Heather, and I'm glad that we could take the time to go to Boise together. Although we didn't get to see everyone we would have liked to, it was a very relaxing and enjoyable trip.

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