Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Computer

Long story short, my computers fan was being super noisy so I asked Travis to fix it and he took it apart to see what was happening. We call the warranty place and of course it doesn't cover that unless it's totally fried. Stupid person on the other end of the phone was only reading their script but still it made the warranty worthless. Then we went to where we bought it and asked for them to help us. By the time someone actually called us back to fix it, Travis had already ordered the fan, put it in, and put the whole thing back together. So after him totally being fried about the warranty he decided that he wanted to just buy me a new computer. So...
...that night we went on a date to the Apple store and this is what I ended up with. MacBook Air. It's totally the best size for me. It has been weird getting used to the Mac way but I really do love it. I'm glad Travis has my back on all the latest and greatest tech toys to have. Thanks honey.

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