Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Doggie pile! So much love!
We got back from San Diego late on Valentine's Day and this is what I found from my sweetheart.
All my favorite candy very carefully placed and arranged in this vase. How sweet is Travis?
I took Caesar to a class and he got to have a little play time with a new friend. These pups need socialization. He loved it and slept most of the rest of the day!
Snuggle up buddy!
This is how Caesar spent about 4 hours after we brought him home from loosing his manhood! Pathetic dog, now what will he do with all his spare time?
Isaac is playing Basketball this year, wanted to try it out. All the pictures I take come out so dark but I got this cute one of him on the bench. He is having a great season and learning the game, he has got to be much more aggressive each game.
I finally got to meet Maely, Jason and McKell's new baby! She is darling and smells so good! Ahhhhh babies, the smell is so sweet! She is loved so much by her big brother Nash, its' so cute to see him with her.
Nash really liked playing with Isaac, he had him laughing so hard just playing catch with him.
Epic fail! I took zero pictures but we celebrated Travis' birthday on the 19th. He is the big 46 and he loved/hated the attention. We are so glad that you were born and that we have you in our lives and can celebrate you! Love you!

Monday, February 27, 2012


My mom was in La Jolla, California and invited us down to visit. We decided to surprise Isaac with the trip so I packed his bag and C.C., Lexi and I picked him up from scouts, they were hiding in the back of the car and Lexi was so excited for the surprise and the trip she could hardly stop giggling. He was a bit curious of why I brought him a Root Beer to make a quick stop at Wal Mart. Wink wink. But after we got on the freeway the kids popped up and we said we were off to California. He was beyond excited. It was a fun surprise.
We spent the night in Vegas and Isaac was up at the crack of dawn because he wanted to go explore. He was so fun the whole time. He had never been to Vegas and was really checking everything out.
Caught the sun on the buildings, very cool.
We went walking along the strip, people watching and we found this cool rental. Of course Isaac was like "If this was $100 a day would you rent this?" He was game of course but we had to pass since we had to get on the road in a few hours.
Had to check out the Harley Cafe.
This was inside and very cool. A wall made of chains and it really was huge. I loved it, not the greatest picture.
Had to pass out a few dollars. He was freaked out by this guy since he was frozen when we walked by then he started moving. Isaac thought it was awesome but then he said, "He was totally all silver, except his teeth were the yellowest I've ever seen." We thought maybe he was working for some Crest White Strips, at least we were hoping.
Had to hit the M&M store and look at all 4 floors. He loved it.
This was his favorite M&M.
We couldn't resist stopping off with these guys. Star Wars and Halo, the Halo guy had the cool voice to go with the outfit plus they gave him the gun for the picture.
Isaac was so much fun because everything was so new to him. We had to make a midnight run down the beach to find the treasures that wash up. This one was huge. Of course I showed him that the little ones pop and then we had to pop the big ones too. I told him this one looked like a huge ovary set up.
There was a Tennis tournament going on where my mom was staying and people from all over the world were there. Which in turn meant that there were some pretty awesome cars in the parking lot. His favorite car. The owner walked up right after we took the picture so we had to ask a few questions, mostly to explain why we were hanging out by his car. We had to ask how fast he had driven it. "Well on a track I have gotten it up to 130mph but on the streets I always follow the speed limits because that would be unsafe. Just go to college and work hard and then when you're old like me then you can buy one for yourself." He was really nice.
This picture turned out so cool with the reflection of the palm tree in it.
Isn't he just so cute?
Beautiful coastline!
He had to get as far to the edge as possible but what boy wouldn't do that?
My mom looked so cute so I had to take a picture.
We went to check out this beach that was closed to people since the Seals had taken over. They were funny with their silly noises and the way they get around.
The Fam.
We drove past this dealership and of course Isaac spotted it and we turned around and went in to check it out. More beautiful cars than you could really enjoy.
The little mans dream car.
Oh ya!
It wasn't the warmest weekend but that wasn't going to stop this guy! Fully dressed and all he was going to enjoy! He spent a lot of time doing this and it was just as much fun for me to watch him enjoy himself so much.
At least he finally took off his shoes.
He conned C.C. and Lexi into joining him too, wasn't too hard to do.
They had such a fun time together too, they are so cute together.
The re-inactment.
Where's Waldo? Can any boy resist climbing this perfect tree? Not mine.
We took a tour of the US Midway. Beautiful ship, I have not idea how they could find their way around. This is where they had to sleep. Talk about a small space to stretch out! (I have no idea what happened and why this is all underlined)
Huge ship, really we felt like ants.
We thought that this plane was like the one that C.C. rode in at the Young Eagles one year.
Isaac liked this one since it had missiles on it.
This was our view from our room.
My cousin Kim and her husband Pat came down for dinner one night. They are so much fun to be around. Must plan for more time with them, the kids really enjoyed them too.
Ahhhhhhhhh! How can you look away?
We took Grandma to Sea World one day and had to make sure we took in a little Shamo.
So cute that they can be trained like this. It's a little sad to know they are in a small tank when they could have the entire ocean but still pretty impressive the training that can be done.
Starfish pond with all the touching you wanted.
These guys were huge, it definitely took them awhile to get from point A to point B.
Silly times with mom.

We also played tennis in the wind and freezing weather at night which was a blast. We ate at wonderful places and really took in as much as we could.

Travis and I realized that we really haven't taken Isaac to too many places like we had the other kids. He really was so much fun to be with, it was like seeing the world for the first time. It was a great trip, very fast but well worth the 12 hour drive there and back. All the kids were great the whole time. It was also nice to spend the time together with my mom and just a few of the kids at a time. Great memories made.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Great Grandma Chapman was here visiting on her way to California so we snuck in a few visits. I love how this picture turned out, both look so sweet!
Sabrina was forced into a picture and this one was the best of three. This was her first time holding Madeline.
It's been very fun to visit the kids and see them with their baby. They are both great parents and Madeline is lucky to have them!