Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Doggie pile! So much love!
We got back from San Diego late on Valentine's Day and this is what I found from my sweetheart.
All my favorite candy very carefully placed and arranged in this vase. How sweet is Travis?
I took Caesar to a class and he got to have a little play time with a new friend. These pups need socialization. He loved it and slept most of the rest of the day!
Snuggle up buddy!
This is how Caesar spent about 4 hours after we brought him home from loosing his manhood! Pathetic dog, now what will he do with all his spare time?
Isaac is playing Basketball this year, wanted to try it out. All the pictures I take come out so dark but I got this cute one of him on the bench. He is having a great season and learning the game, he has got to be much more aggressive each game.
I finally got to meet Maely, Jason and McKell's new baby! She is darling and smells so good! Ahhhhh babies, the smell is so sweet! She is loved so much by her big brother Nash, its' so cute to see him with her.
Nash really liked playing with Isaac, he had him laughing so hard just playing catch with him.
Epic fail! I took zero pictures but we celebrated Travis' birthday on the 19th. He is the big 46 and he loved/hated the attention. We are so glad that you were born and that we have you in our lives and can celebrate you! Love you!

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