Thursday, February 2, 2012


C.C.'s back was hurting pretty badly so he wasn't moving very well. He ended up accidentally putting a staple in his leg. He was fine but it was a bit sore. It wasn't very small either.
Later that evening Caesar had taken the chicken, from Costco, off the counter and was having a snack that was unauthorized of course. McKayla busted him and grabbed the chicken from him and was cleaning up but Dax thought he would join in snack time too. They didn't want to share so one of them got mad at the other and was protecting the scarps on the floor and needless to say Dax lost. Dax ended up with a rip in his neck about 2-3 inches plus a puncture. It didn't even bleed and he seemed fine. We made a quick trip to the vet just as they were closing. He was fine but we were ticked at Caesar. He looks like he has neck brace on, like he got whiplash or something. We were laughing all the way home at him.
Then a few days later he got in a scrap with Vinny and gave him a nice gash on his back.
Travis was close to going to put Caesar down and worried that he was going to hurt a kid. We actually started watching even more closely and it turns out the wieners are the ones that are crabby and start the fights. It's just that Caesar will win every time regardless to who instigates it, his teeth are bigger!

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