Thursday, February 2, 2012

Christmas Day!

McKayla had to work until noon and Christmas day so Nick and Heather came back around the time too for breakfast. Isaac had the longest morning of his whole life since he had to wait but he made it through without a scratch.
I love that we keep adding stockings to the family!
McKayla's stash, she was pretty happy with all the new shoes she got!
Sabrina ended up with some great new outfits that her brother and sister picked out for her.
This was her very favorite since she LOVES this man, wouldn't you?
This was my stash, I loved everything I got. So many thoughtful, sweet gifts. My family is the best!
This is C.C.'s pile! He had to wait for the phone for months but it was worth it.
Travis' Harley pile, we have his number!
Isaac's stash, everyone knows him too. I love that the older kids pick out cool clothes and teach him how to dress. SO cute!
This happened to be the only picture I got of Christmas dinner. I made yet another but requested deep fried turkey since Nick had never tried it before. It was so good, again. Can't really get sick of it when it's so good. We went all out again with china and a fabulous dinner.
But then for dessert I got a whole lot of this!
And then more of this! Can't get enough!
McKayla made this little hat for Madeline for Christmas. It was so cute and Heather had some cute flowers that she was going to put on it.
Christmas was another great day with the family. So much fun to have everyone around and long enough to really enjoy them. Love my family so much!

1 comment:

Jill said...

so does Sabrina love Vampire Diaries?? sad, that it's a teenage show, but it's my guilty pleasure. I L.O.V.E. that show. it's so addicting.