Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Master Candy House!

Travis and I spent some good, quality time on the structure of the house so it could be the original masterpiece. The kids were totally impressed. Nothing that a glue gun can't build!
We dove in for the decoration on Christmas Eve when everyone was home to contribute their creativity!
Travis right in there working the roof and the icing for a cool effect!
This house cracked me up when it was all done. Totally full of O.C.D. people decorating! Of course we had to have Gingi in the chimney. He has been with us for years, mostly in Isaacs chocolate milk when he was 2 but he still shows up once in awhile.
Everyone took a side or a roof and did their own thing.
A few sides had to be re-done since the pattern got messed up since there was quite a bit of sampling going on.
This is one of our family traditions that we never forget for Christmas! It has been a very fun one throughout the years and even though the kids are all big they still enjoy doing it! I love the way it all turns out!

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