Thursday, February 2, 2012

Work Christmas Party In San Jose

I got a nice weekend in San Jose with my man for the company Christmas party and of course we packed in as much as we could. I got there friday so I had the day all to myself so what else does a girl do? She hits the Outlet mall in Morgan Hill, all by herself! I thought I would only be there a few hours but no I took most of the day! Very relaxing and I got some great Christmas shopping in. I was a bit worried about how I was going to get it all home but hey that can always be worked out later right? The baby shops were of course the most very fun. I had to hold myself back quite a bit but Madeline ended up with some great outfits for Christmas! Babies are so much fun to shop for! I had to make a stop at the Harley Store down there too. It was funny as I was leaving I felt EXTRA cool walking out of the Harley store getting in the Prius that we borrowed from Travis' boss. I has myself a good laugh! I ended up getting a message on Facebook that Jenny Middleton was also on her way down to San Jose so we met up at a boutique to see Tanya. It was so fun to see the old faces, not old... but very missed friends! I sure miss these ladies. It was a short but fun visit!
Travis and I also got to see Debbie Ray, the very best Kindergarten teacher ever and very sweet friend. Miss her too, her laugh just makes you smile!
We also met Jeff and Mandi in Capitola for a nice dinner out. Travis gets to see them often but it was a treat for me to catch up with Mandi.
On Saturday one of Travis' bosses invited us to spend the day in Carmel with them. We went to the cutest place for lunch. We felt like we were deep in the heart of Europe. It was so beautiful and the food was wonderful. Rands girlfriend Sonja was one of the loveliest people I have ever met. We were like old friends, so sweet an warm.
Doesn't this remind you of a cottage in Snow White?
Then we went for a walk on the beach, which was much needed after the wonderful lunch.
Aren' they a cute couple?
Huge Jellyfish hanging out on the beach!
This was so cute, in Northern California of all places.
Beautiful day, great friends, and a gorgeous view. Doesn't get much better than this.
We had a very nice dinner at the Shadow Brook in Capitola with the rest of the company that evening. It was a fun and fast weekend but Travis and I enjoyed the time together of course.

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