Friday, June 27, 2008

Meg Ryan Gone Ugly

Remember how cute she was in this top pic? Well, it's long gone. I watched this movie last night with her and Antonio Banderos and it was aweful. Not only was their acting bad but she looked HORRIBLE! Like something has happened to her beautiful face. Look in the pic on the left and you'll see. Her eyes are all puffy and her smile is SOOOOO fake. Around her mouth is so weird. So I am recommending NOT watching "My Moms New Boyfriend". She is really stupid in it, maybe it's the part but it really sucks. She starts out as 230 pounds and then gets all skinny and is dating many guys at once, one is like 17. She's just a little too weird in this movie, bad acting, and the actresses beautiful features gone WAY bad.


The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

Bad Botox?

Alison said...

I totally agree! Meg has always been on of my favorite actresses and she used to be SOOO cute. Did you notice how airbrushed and cute she looked on the cover of My Mom's New Boyfriend? Sad.

I think she was cute enough naturally that she could have grown old gracefully and still had the same cuteness. Unfortunately, she now looks kinda like the Joker.

Melinda said...

I've noticed that too when I've seen recent photographs of her. Wrinkles would be better than the perma-puff she's sporting now!