Friday, June 20, 2008

To Buy ... Or Not To Buy

I am torn wether or not to buy this cool camera that I see all over the place. It is small, easy to use, and takes great pictures. Travis is not a fan of women buying electronics so I am not sure if I dare attempt it without him. I'm really not as big of a wimp as that sounded, it's more that we already have such a very nice camera but it is really huge and not too fun to throw in your purse for just a daily thing. What's the vote?


Alison said...

I vote yes (obviously, as a woman who buys electronics myself). I will physically restrain Travis if I have to. ;)

Melinda said...

Well, since your birthday is next week, I say GET IT!! Why shouldn't you have his and hers cameras?? GET IT!

Summer Mortensen said...

I have that very same camera, in fact, you used it to take our pics in Utah! I love, love, love it and I think that you would too! Just get it and tell your man that us women know what's up!

Heather said...

Oh I STRONGLY vote you get this camera!!! you're going to LOVE it! I LOVE my big camera, but it's just so much better ALWAYS having your little one in your purse at all times... and you can take pictures whenever! It's seriously SO nice! Tell Travis you'll make him some cookies. ;)

Heather said...

Oh I STRONGLY vote you get this camera!!! you're going to LOVE it! I LOVE my big camera, but it's just so much better ALWAYS having your little one in your purse at all times... and you can take pictures whenever! It's seriously SO nice! Tell Travis you'll make him some cookies. ;)

Alison said...

So... if we order this today on my Amazon Prime account, you'll have it in time for your birthday. Get'r done.