Wednesday, January 12, 2011


It only took me a year and a handful of people to help me. I am not quilter but I do like a good challenge. This is C.C.'s T-Shirt quilt that is finally finished. Embarrassed to say but it really took forever. I had to look at it in between each stage and think about it. I really love how it turned out though. Christy did the Tetris part of designing the patterns, I added the plain pattern border around the outside, and the lady at the quilt store quilted it.
I had a spot that I actually had to cover so I added this embroidered part that McKayla helped with.
This is the final product. I loved making it and I hope it's a treasure to him. It better be, dang it! Alot of sweat and time and stress put into this.


Jill said...

this turned out great! I love it.

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

Worth the wait...very nice!