Monday, January 10, 2011


Unfortunately, I gave Nick all of his scrapbooks and my memory is gone so I'm really not sure on his age on these younger ones but isn't he adorable?
3 ish
3 1/2 years old
4 years old
5 years old
1st grade
4th or 5th grade
6th or 7th grade
Eagle Scout
10th or 11th grade
11th grade
19 years old
21 years

What a blessing Nick has been in our lives. Especially mine. I have truly loved this kid to the core and loved being his mom. He has been so fun to watch over the years try new things and love old things. I'm glad that I was the one that got to be there for all of his firsts. I'm so happy that he is still close for a little while longer and that I can see him grow even more as a man.

1 comment:

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

You're killin me with all the "growing up" pics of the kids! Wasn't it yesterday they were still at Carson, breaking their arms everytime we turned around?