Thursday, March 27, 2014


We went to California to attend the funerals of Travis' boss Dale and his 4 other family members.  They were all killed together in a plane crash in Idaho in the snowy weather and were not found for 6 weeks after.  They did not suffer and it was determined that they all died on impact.  The funerals were together and it was a very unbelievable sight, 5 identical caskets all lined up in a row.  I can not even imagine what his wife and surviving children could be feeling.  It was a wonderful tribute to all of them.    
I made sure to see my pal Debbie while I was there, she has the very best laugh.  We both look a bit drunk or something but we are not.  It's always a must to visit with her when I go to California. 
 This is a co-worker of Travis', Gayle.  She is the most unique person I have ever met.  She always does such nice things for Travis when he is in the office in California.  I thanked her for being so good to him and her reply was, " He's like a God to me.  He took the time to explain things to me and I appreciate him so much". She is always sending goodies home with hime too.  Sweet lady.
 Dudley the dog, he and Lincoln live on the same property but they do not like each other but Dudley doesn't like anyone.  He's just so funny looking.  
 I got to spend some good time with my sweet grown up boy too.  Travis photo bombed us. I love that he is happy there but also happy to see us.  Love that guy.

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