Thursday, March 27, 2014


We got a few cute pics from Nick and Heather from there Thanksgiving in Pennsylvania, they said Madeline chowed down.
 Nick hits the jackpot with this ginormous turkey leg.  He looks pretty intense about it.
 Had to make a pie with my cute cut outs, plus it's chocolate chip so you cannot go wrong there.
 Deep fried bird.  We made french fries too with the oil, very good choice.  since Mark and Summer brought us a huge box of Idaho Spuds from Grandma and Grandpa it just couldn't be helped.  
 The feast with all the fix in's, little bit of everything. 
 This jello is so pretty, I love seeing it on plates and how cool it looks.  It's all about presentation and color.
 This didn't last long. 
 This little woman loves her new pink shinny boots.  
 I love seeing these little girls in there doll strollers.  
 Madeline had her second birthday!  
 Heather always does such cute decorations.   
I sure miss seeing this little girl grow up, thankful for FaceTime. 

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