Thursday, March 27, 2014


I was casually getting groceries in the car and headed home then looked in my purse at my phone.  A missed call from Travis and Sabrina.  I figured Sabrina was calling to see if I wanted to go tanning with her so I called Travis back first.  He answers and says immediately that he's on his way now.  I'm like what are you heading to?  He proceeds to tell me that Sabrina rolled the Suburban and he's heading to the accident now.  Of course my heart sunk deep and I asked if she was hurt.  I hung up and called her quick.  Hearing her voice and her saying that she was ok was all I wanted to hear.  I drove 90 mph to get there fast.  I rolled up on the scene and was sick to my stomach. This is what I saw immediately.  I have never seen anything like this especially that someone I love with all my heart had been involved in. I ran across the street while a policeman yelled at me to wait for a car to pass, I of course ignored him and kept running.  Grabbed my baby girl and cried with her, so thankful that I was still able to be with her.  She and her friend sat there with the paramedics crying tears of fear and joy at the same time. I just couldn't believe that she just rolled my Suburban at least 5 times and was sitting there with minor scratches.  She kept saying sorry about the car but all I could say back was, " the car can be replaced…. YOU CAN NOT BE REPLACED!"  Travis and I felt so much gratitude that day that we still had our daughter with his after this accident.  They both had there seat belts on, thankfully or I would be writing a totally different blog right now.  She said that she knew her friend did not have her seat belt on when they left the house a few minutes before the crash.  So after the rolling stopped that was her concern, but she was there strapped in after all.  Her friend said she had a weird feeling and decided to put it on and not even a minute later the accident began.  So glad she listened to her weird feeling.  Later the one of the policemen asked me how I had gotten there so fast.  My reply was, "don't ask!"  He laughed and said "you knew we were all out here huh?"  
 Every window but one was shattered.  She was going 70 mph in a 65 mph zone.
 Every side panel was scratched badly from the road.
 This mark on the road was made by the tire scrapping it. 
 Seeing how close the steering wheel was to the roof was sickening.  
 Pretty much totaled.  But so glad that she was in this car and how grateful I am to Chevy for building a reliable, safe car. 
 Way too close for comfort but the seat belt held her where she was still safe.
The girls were both released to us with just minor scratches.  We went home and cleaned her up and she had a nap.  When she woke up she said she wanted cake, so I figured she was really going to be ok.  Had them write a little something on it for fun to remember to be grateful that day.  I kept asking her what her name was all day.  She finally sat up and kind of snapped at me and said, " mom! you know what my name is!"  Another sign that she will be ok.  

Don't need to experience that one again.  Thankful for the outcome, not everyone is that lucky! 

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