Thursday, March 27, 2014


We lost our sweet Uncle Jerry the day after Thanksgiving.  He was one of the sweetest, kindest, positive men I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.  He was always there to tell you that you were doing great job and he was proud of you.  I was lucky enough to be his niece.  His wife, my Aunt Karen, has single handed cared for him for many years as his health continued to decline over the last 10 years. She has always been dear to my heart and always will be.  A very sweet family that I am proud to be a part of. 
 Not sure what is going on here with Scott and Shane but they are obviously having a completely different conversation than Jill and Todd.
 Scott is "working".
 Family!  We had a great time together with our cousins even though we were brought together for a sad goodbye to a beloved man to all of us.
 Shane's cute dogs ears are naturally like this, more like a bunny than a dog.
One last family picture before we all had to go our separate ways.

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