Thursday, March 27, 2014


 FaceTime with Madeline and Nick.  She was showing us her Minnie car.
 I took FeeBee to get her teeth cleaned and they pulled 9 teeth out. I know, how is he supposed to eat right?  So the girls at the vet told Sabrina that when she was waking up they put her in a warming kennel with another dog and they checked on her and she was asleep on top of another dog.  Later that night she curled up like this with Caesar.  Two in one day, progress.  She must have been desperate for heat, this NEVER happens.  
 All snuggled up in the chair with me in my office. 
 Madeline sporting the outfit we gave her.
 Summer found this gem, it was at one of Sabrina's birthday parties about 6 years ago.  
 Really? Right out my back door.
 C.C. sent this one.  Lincoln was in hot pursuit of a squirrel when he hit a metal gate that slowed him down.  Poor guy, headache.  
Heather takes the most beautiful pictures, I'm so lucky I get to enjoy them.

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