Wednesday, March 26, 2014


 Pete, they were all posing for a project McKayla was doing.
 Worried Caesar, he was on the way to get his nails done.
 Completely comfy in the car.
 Passed out!
 Totally spoiled.
 Getting some love from Isaac.
 Caesar is not very modest when he's asleep.
 Pete's handy work! Naughty boy.
 Pete soaking up the sun.
 Napping buddies.
 FeeBee getting some love from a little girl while she was away getting babysat.
 Oh Scooby!
 This guy really makes himself at home in our bed.
 Um, can you at least move over so I can get in bed.
 Ya, that's not going to work.
 Lincoln guarding his ball.
 This is the sweetest dog ever, she is a pet of one of the ladies at the groomers.  
 McCray, McKayla got a cool new pet.
FeeBee hanging out in a soft, warm spot in the closet.

I know we are on overload of animals but they really bring everyone in the house so much love and comfort. Wouldn't have it any other way!

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