Wednesday, March 26, 2014


 Since McKayla is such a lover of pets, Sam got her a new pet for Christmas.  
 The stockings were….. not hung by the chimney with care.  They were on the table so the dogs couldn't get into them. 
 I love my tree and how pretty it always looks at Christmas.  
 Deep fried turkey, it never gets old.  Not only does it look beautiful, it tastes beyond wonderful.
I always break out the Mary Kay china for special occasions.  

Christmas was a bit odd this year, too many empty stockings.  Although we added one more stocking this year for Sam, I still missed my boys a great deal.  It's too weird to think that it all only keep going in this direction each year.  Bittersweet but a bit unraveling.  I thought they were not supposed to grow up?

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