Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Kelly and I have been friends since 6th grade.  That's a long time and it's always like we have never missed a beat.  
 We met in Logan and just messed around for the weekend. We went shopping and found Sully in Buckle.  This coat was so hideous. 
 We hit up a corn maze and had a blast.
 Of course had to do some posing for some cute pictures.
 We went for a drive and were chatting it up and came upon this beautiful park.
 It was so cool, just tucked away in the middle of nowhere.  I could have stayed there all day.
 I got this massive chip in my windshield on the way to Logan, it scared the crap out of me.  It hit so hard and of course came from a semi.  
This woman is even more incredible now than when I met her.  She is the happiest, most positive person I have ever met.  She has been through sheer hell in her life yet continues to be the happiest person in the world.  Love her to pieces forever.  Can't wait until our next girls weekend in the spring.  Maybe the other Kelly can join us too then the 3 Kelly's will be reunited again.  Now THAT would be serious trouble with a capital T. Love them both.

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