Friday, March 21, 2014


For Isaac's birthday we decided to get him a new bed.  Considering the one he had was a twin and we have had for like 15 years.  Gutting his room preparing for the BIG MAN ROOM, we found some long lost friends and cool projects.  
 This bear was a treasure, since this was the one and only time we took him to "Build a Bear Factory", he's so deprived.
 From the Egypt unit at school.
 His cute collection of PUFFLES!  They were very important to him for quite awhile.
 He made this at scouts one day.
 And he got to burn his initials in it.  We really didn't think about what his initials would be when we choose to name him Isaac. I love it IF. 
The new bed, it's the most comfortable one in the house right now.  Lucky kid and he loves it. 
He and Isaiah went to Lagoon for a day of this birthday.  
 He was almost shy about his birthday this year.  No party with friends, just happy to be here I guess.  He got some new headphones for playing video games.  Happy guy!  He's such an incredibly sweet,  young man.  
A school research project.  I started taking pictures of things like this since I cannot keep all their wonderful work.
This was from his art class, clever design.

I seriously can't believe I get to be this kids mom!

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